Monday, August 6, 2007

Our Family Blog

I decided to create a blog to keep our friends and family about our family since we are so busy that we always don't get to call or email. Hopefully I can blog a little every week. I am getting my house organized and getting school supplies and clothes bought for the upcoming school year. Reagan will be going into the 4th grade, Grayson into the 2nd, and Jackson into preschool! I have mixed feelings about my baby going to preschool. :( He will be the first of my 3 to be going. While I will miss my baby for the 3 hours/4 days a week he will be gone, I will also gain some much needed time for myself. While I would love to sit and watch Tv and eat bon bons..HA.. I will be busy working on school, cleaning house, paying bills, grocery shopping (which will be a luxury without small children running off, grabbing things, and whining)and hopefully going to the gym in the mornings. I will be graduating MTEC in January and will hopefully be working shortly after. My plan will be to work from home. If everything works out like I plan (ha) then I will start work at 7am, take the kids to school at 8:45am, pick Jackson up at 11:30am, feed him lunch and then down for a nap (please God) and he will sleep until the kids get home at 3:30pm. That will give me a full 8 hours of work and then I will have the rest of the afternoon to spend with the kids. We will see how this works! :) I will go ahead and sign off on this blog because I have laundry and clothes to sort through to see which things still fit. FUN!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeaaaa! I'm so happy to be able to be the first comment on your new blog! :) Careful, these things are very addictive. :) I started mine just to keep family informed of our adoption and now it's our newest obsession. :)

Kelly & crew