Thursday, August 30, 2007

Jackson's first day of Preschool!!

My Big Boy :)

Hanging up his backpack...aww! He headed straight for the puzzles.
Grayson's classroom

Jackson was so excited this morning. His very first day of preschool! I am sitting here in an eerily quiet house not knowing what to do with myself...should I work on school, clean something, relax, what? lol His teacher if VERY sweet and I think that he likes her very much. He has already met a few new friends. I tried to give him a kiss goodbye, but he was too busy playing with puzzles. HA! I stopped by Grayson's class on my way out and snapped a picture of him in his class :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AWWWW he looks SO excited!!!!!!! What a big boy you are now Jackson!