Thursday, August 30, 2007

Jackson's first day of Preschool!!

My Big Boy :)

Hanging up his backpack...aww! He headed straight for the puzzles.
Grayson's classroom

Jackson was so excited this morning. His very first day of preschool! I am sitting here in an eerily quiet house not knowing what to do with myself...should I work on school, clean something, relax, what? lol His teacher if VERY sweet and I think that he likes her very much. He has already met a few new friends. I tried to give him a kiss goodbye, but he was too busy playing with puzzles. HA! I stopped by Grayson's class on my way out and snapped a picture of him in his class :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Back to school!

Today is the first day of school for Reagan and Grayson. Jackson was so sad because he has to wait until Thursday to start school. His little heart was broken. You can see in the picture that he was trying to smile through the crying :( It was kind of rough getting up and out the door this morning. We never did a trial run and the kids didn't really start going to bed early until 2 days ago! oops! We were just enjoying our summer too much. My plan today is to have a fun day with Jackson and then work on cleaning and organizing for the rest of the week. I am going to try to get Jackson on a 12:30 nap schedule starting today. Hopefully that will work out. Tommorow he gets a 30 minute orientation with his teacher and to explore the class room. As we were walking by his classroom today he said "Can I just pleeeeaaasse go to preschool" Ugh! It broke my heart! lol He will be happy on Thursday morning when it is his time to be a big kid. Reagan was a little nervous about starting 4th grade. I can't believe she is that big! Where has the time gone? Grayson was happy to see that his best bud Bradley was in his class. He has spent all summer with Bradley and they are two peas in a pod. As we went to meet the teachers, I saw that there was alot of hyper boys in the class.. poor lady! lol Hopefully she will have full control of her class. HA I just can't believe how fast the summer went by, but we are all happy for a routine and schedule.

Girl Scout Family Camp

Well, it is the end of summer and we wanted to do one last fun thing. Me,Reagan, and Jackson went to the lake campgrounds for a girl scout overnight camping trip. It was 100 degrees and not the best weather to camp in, but we had fun. She learned how to tie a knot for fishing line from the department of fish and game. We also went canoeing, sang campfire songs, made smores and campfire eclairs, and traded SWAPS(little crafty pins). We had fun but decided we were not really

Dinosaurs Live!

Chad and Grayson had a "end of summer man's day out" and went to Dinosaurs Live. They had a blast. Grayson couldn't stop talking about it all day long.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

American Idol concert

On Saturday, Reagan and I went to Columbus to the American Idol Concert! We had a blast. We went down early so we could hang out and just spend some time together. We ended up getting a hotel room that was 1 block from the stadium so we could walk there without having to deal with traffic. Chad had a golf tournament that day and the boys stayed with a sitter until he got home. They met us at the hotel that evening and had fun having a "guys night" swimming and hanging out at the hotel. After Reagan and I checked into the hotel and dropped off our bags, we went downtown to walk around and look at the shops. We went to the book store and found a few gifts for the boys. We then came back to the hotel and went to dinner at a restaurant next to the hotel and met another mom and daughter that were going to the concert. It was a nice chat. After dinner we walked to the stadium and hung out in the lobby buying posters and looking at all the fun things they had. Reagan sang karaoke and danced which was sooo fun and really got us pumped for the concert. She is a little superstar! lol Being on stage is definetly her thing. We eventually made it to our seats and I was a little disappointed at how far away from the stage they were, so the first half of the show I scanned the seats to find some empty seats that were closer. At intermission I decided that we were moving. Reagan was so concerned that we were going to get in We found a whole row of empty seats right on the side of the stage. We ran down there and asked the people behind us if anyone was sitting there and they said no. COOL! So..we had a MUCH better view and way more fun in those seats, but Reagan was still concerned. LOL I wasn't going to sit in the back when I knew that the price of the empty seats were the same as what we had paid. :) I took lots of short videos, but my camera is horrible with indoor/low light pictures and I didn't get good pics. I will try to post a video or two on my page. We had so much fun and the best part was when Reagan said "I will remember this for the rest of my life". It was so special to have a mommy/daughter day, something that will be a great memory for us both.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Our Family Blog

I decided to create a blog to keep our friends and family about our family since we are so busy that we always don't get to call or email. Hopefully I can blog a little every week. I am getting my house organized and getting school supplies and clothes bought for the upcoming school year. Reagan will be going into the 4th grade, Grayson into the 2nd, and Jackson into preschool! I have mixed feelings about my baby going to preschool. :( He will be the first of my 3 to be going. While I will miss my baby for the 3 hours/4 days a week he will be gone, I will also gain some much needed time for myself. While I would love to sit and watch Tv and eat bon bons..HA.. I will be busy working on school, cleaning house, paying bills, grocery shopping (which will be a luxury without small children running off, grabbing things, and whining)and hopefully going to the gym in the mornings. I will be graduating MTEC in January and will hopefully be working shortly after. My plan will be to work from home. If everything works out like I plan (ha) then I will start work at 7am, take the kids to school at 8:45am, pick Jackson up at 11:30am, feed him lunch and then down for a nap (please God) and he will sleep until the kids get home at 3:30pm. That will give me a full 8 hours of work and then I will have the rest of the afternoon to spend with the kids. We will see how this works! :) I will go ahead and sign off on this blog because I have laundry and clothes to sort through to see which things still fit. FUN!