Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Day At The Park

We had a nice day last weekend and decided to visit a really cool park about 30 minutes from our house. The kids were really excited and glad to get some fresh air. They had a lot of fun.

Jackson in the tower
Reagan with her new scarf she got from Santa

The boys loved these tractor tires

My sweet boy. He always smiles as soon as he sees the camera. I cannot ever get candid photos of him. lol

My prince charming

The boys were hiding from Daddy who was chasing them through the wooden castle.

Reagan was actually trying to push her brother off, but they thought it was fun. lol
My sweet princess

My handsome boy

Jackson on the baby slide.. he can almost reach the ground. lol

I have no clue what my graceful daughter is

Monkey boy

Having a race on the tires

Jackson lost :(

Grayson on his way back as Reagan is still on her way to the end lol
A random moment of kindness...helping out lil bro.

Grayson loved these swings... he called them the "Roller Coaster Swings"

Jackson loved them too.

Reagan was having fun

We then it the rock wall. A favorite

Jackson was afraid to go over, but there is that "cheeeese" smile I was telling you about. Never without a pose. lol

I was waiting to get the scared face, but no.... "Cheeese" lol He must have known I was waiting. lol

He kept saying " I am afraid of heights, I am afraid of heights.." the whole way over and down.

Grayson, up and over.

Reagan was afraid her belly was showing...MOM! lol


Jackson liked this rock

Of course mommy had fun too! lol I was cracking up because Chad had the kids do an obstacle course.. and then it was my turn. I was laughing at how slow I was. lol

My beautiful girl

My sweet Grayson. You can really see how beautiful his eyes are here.

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