Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A Beautiful Day!

Today was such a beautiful day! Low 80s, clear blue skies, a breeze, and so crisp! The kids had an early release day at school today and so we decided to go on a bike ride and play on the playground.

Jackson saying CHEEEESSSEE
Go Go Jackson!
Look out..Reagan is driving the bus..! You know her nickname is "Crash"
Grayson on his bike!
Reagan trying to help Jackson. He wanted a scooter instead of a bike.

Two monkeys hangin around

My 3 wonderful children!

In mid-swing! LOL

Jackson can now do the monkey bars! What a big boy!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Preschool Nature Walk

Jackson's preschool class went on a walk today and I had to go out and snap a picture from the deck! Yes...this is how close we are to the school. I LOVE IT! :) That way I can always keep an eye on them while they are on the Jackson's teacher is the one bending down to tie a shoe. The other is the teacher's helper. He loves his school!

Monday, September 10, 2007

School, School, School

AHHHHHHHHH! Okay..feel a little better now. I am in the neverending zone of this medical transcription session of Orthopedic surgery. Although I find this exciting and interesting, it never seems to end. The picture above is what my desk looks like everytime I am working on school work. I have all my references out to look up that word that I have never heard or just can't quite make out. I am constantly kept up at night with words like esophogastroduodenoscopy and coracoacromial ligament running through my head! lol It would be okay if I could actually sit down and work on my school work nonstop but... after dropping the kids off at school, I take Daisy on a morning walk for about 30 minutes, I then work in the a.m. while the kids are at school (2 hours go by fast), pick up Jackson from preschool, fix lunch (while he always clicks my word program off with the report that I have been working on for 2 hours disappearing because I forgot to save would think I would remember to do that by now), work again to redo the report I already typed-but getting more practice-sheesh, try to play with him, clean house, do laundry and eat lunch all at the same time; work some more, get the kids snack, chores, and homework done when they get home from school, work a little while getting dinner ready and then maybe getting in a little time before bed. That is not to mention taking them to soccer, scout meetings, PTO meetings-volunteered my self on 2 commitees for fall fundraisers! ahh, church youth group planning since I volunteered to be the craft lady for that, choir practices, etc. I think I have piled my plate high enough to reach the ceiling and wonder why I have a tummy So... After I get through this session, I will have 3 more sessions to complete before January but my goal is to get them finished before our Christmas break trip to Idaho so I can come back in the New Year and start hunting for jobs! So....if you don't get calls or if I don't email you back right away, you will know why! HAHAHA!